International Culture/ Karate/ Kobudo

The Sung Lung Honbu Dojo.
You can train like everybody else
you can choose to be taught like the select few.
We are not a "comfort" you Dojo!
We are a "train" you Dojo!
Please call: 813-781-4045 to register and start training.
One on One private classes available upon request
​Registered active student classes
are scheduled as follows.
Thursday: 6:00PM – 8:30PM
Friday: 6:00PM – 8:30PM
Saturday: 11:00AM – 1:00PM
The Sung Lung Honbu Dojo
We offer World wide curriculums!
Please contact us for more information:
Shidoshi M. Wolf Rivera, 813-781-4045
Assistant Director, Seito, 860-337-2373

Grand Master of SUNG LUNG

The Sung Lung Honbu Dojo training facility is located on 1/2 acre of privacy environment for our traditional training.
Take note! When it rains we train outside, when it is hot we train outside. There are no perks here.
We train in a traditional manner.
The Sung Lung Honbu Dojo training facility is located on 1/2 acre of privacy environment for our traditional training.
Take note! When it rains we train outside, when it is hot we train outside. There are no perks here.
We train in a traditional manner.

is a martial arts system comprised
of five very effective styles:
- Shaolin/Sung Lung
- Muay Thai
- Shorinji Kempo
- Tai Chi Chuan - Sun Style
- Japanese Goju-Ryu

Shidoshi M. Wolf Rivera 10th Dan

Shidoshi M. Wolf Rivera, is the heir of The Sung Lung and The Sung Lung Miu MARTIAL ART systems. He is also The Founder and Headmaster of Both Sung Lung Ryu and The House of Sung Lung Miu Te Ryu. His Journey began in 1961, when he became a student to then Sensei Wilfredo Morales who was a Nidan 2nd degree Black Belt student in Japanese Goju-Ryu under Isamu Yamamoto SENSEI. After training under Morales Sensei for 5 years he was sent to Yamamoto Sensei to begin what would become a life long commitment.While training under Yamamoto Sensei He was introduced to The O'Bosan Owen Wat-son who would become one of the two most important Instructors in his life.
In 1973 he obtained his Shodan 1st degree Black Belt in SUNG LUNG, THE Mother SYSTEM of ALL SUNG LUNG SYSTEM'S. Having obtained a foundation and continuing his study as a Direct Disciple UNDER Great Grand Master ISAMU YAMAMOTO, he was given Letters to seek out other Masters in order to broaden his understanding and Knowledge. While studying, he had the Honor and Privilege of obtaining knowledge from many VERY SPECIAL Great Masters Chi'en. These GRAND MASTERS are Wilfredo Morales, Leo Powers, My Lau Ling, Tommy Wang, Richard Kim, Kenji Sato, Gogen Yamaguchi, Cleophus Jacobs. MY RESPECTS Chi'en. In 2024, He Will celebrate His 62 year anniversary in the Martial Arts. His journey into the Martial Arts allowed him to be trained in a manner which many shy away from due to the Brutal conditioning and intense commitment required. This type of hard training is RARELY TAUGHT TODAY and ONLY found in a FEW REAL DOJO'S. On Jan. 25, 2013, Miguel Wolf. Rivera was awarded His Shidoshi title and His 10th Dan. He was also recognized as The LEGITIMATE HEIR and SENIOR DISCIPLE of O'Bosan Owen Wat-Son the Late Great Founder of the Sung Lung Miu System of Martial Arts, By The Life Long DOJO Brother and Co-Founder of Chinese Goju, The Black Dragon Senior Shidoshi Ron Van Clief who was THERE from the Beginning. Shidoshi Wolf Rivera continues to instruct in the manner in which he was taught.
​​In January 2025 Shidoshi Wolf Rivera will officially retire as the Head of the Sung Lung Honbu dojo and appoint his disciple and nephew as Head of the Sung Lung Honbu Dojo.
Shidoshi Wolf will continue to teach all senior Black Belts
and specialty classes on a private schedule.
It is with great pleasure and pride that Shidoshi hands over the mantle to
his Disciple Seito Zambrano.

The focus of Sung Lung Ryu is to instruct the individual to respond to an attack as quickly and efficiently as possible. Students of Sung Lung Ryu are required to defend against one or more attackers in order to prepare the mind for the shock. The training that our instructors and students endure is exhausting and physically demanding in order to ensure that we are in the best physical shape and condition that we can possibly achieve. Because our training methods are both HARSH and DEMANDING we understand that Sung Lung Ryu is not for everybody. We embrace the training of the MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT in order to FORGE a positive and productive individual. TRAIN HARD,LIVE WELL. We wish you GREAT SUCCESS on your JOURNEY. Chi'en/Oss
The True Benefits of training in the pure form of Sung Lung as being handed down from Master to Disciple are still preserved as they were and still are today. The teachings offer a fusion of the best hard and soft styles of Martial Arts. From its Chinese Shaolin foundation, Sung Lung draws its amazing effective movements by focusing on attacking vulnerable parts of the body, to disable attackers with the use of grappling techniques, such a joint locks, chokes and nerve holds. Sun Style Tai Chi form the basis for sung Lung Ryu’s blinding speed and its graceful and often beautiful forms. It is Shorinji Kempo and Muay Thai that fuel Sung Lung aggressive style and forward momentum as few dispute, that which are known for being relentless and devastating. Finally, Japanese Goju Ryu provides the foundation for conditioning one’s mind, body and spirit to truly become a powerful and productive force for good.
We are Also One of The Few Remaining Traditional Dojos that teach both traditional Kabuto “weapons” disarming as well as modern weapons such as knives and firearms.
These courses are not for the easily intimidated individuals.
Call (813) 781-4045
or email shidoshimrivera@gmail.com